
這道Oven-Baked Asian Omelet是在著名美食雜誌網站上發現,為了中國新年製作的特輯-25道賀新年佳餚。我左看右看,選了又選,就這道最適合怕在廚房身陷風暴的大家來試做(此觀點是以個人經驗來推論)。現在才po上來好像有點遲;不過這道煎蛋看起來豐富可口,如果當早餐一定很棒;當然前提是可以在寒冬中起得了床。


(圖片及食譜來源:wine & food magazine)

Oven-Baked Asian Omelet

  1. Preheat the oven to 425°. In a medium bowl, lightly beat the eggs with the scallions,Season with salt and pepper. (os:一切都由平日常吃的蔥蛋開始,加點鹽及胡椒後靜置一旁備用).
  2. Heat the oil in a 9-inch nonstick ovenproof skillet. (熱油,使用耐烤箱高溫的平底鍋)
  3. Add the ham and cook about 1 minute. (先下火腿)
  4. Add the mushrooms about 2 minutes. (再下蘑菇)
  5. Add 1 tablespoon of the soy sauce and simmer for 30 seconds. (加一大匙的醬油)
  6. Add the snow peas and stirring,for 30 seconds.(再下豌豆)
  7. then add the bean sprouts and stirring, for 30 seconds. Season with salt and pepper. (再入豆芽菜,以鹽及胡椒調味)
  8. Push the shrimp into the vegetables and add the eggs, spreading them evenly. (最後放蝦及蛋,你快成功了)
  9. Bake the omelet in the oven for about 12 minutes.(放入烤箱12分鐘)
  10. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine the remaining 2 tablespoons of soy sauce with the rice vinegar, sesame oil and chili oil. (備另一碗,混合醬油、醋、麻油、辣椒油,美味沾醬完成)
  11. Remove the skillet from the oven, slide the omelet onto a serving plate and sprinkle with the cilantro. Cut the omelet into wedges and serve warm or at room temperature with the soy dipping sauce.八拉八拉八拉....12分鐘過後把蛋從烤箱裡拿出,管你要不要裝盤,總之可以開始吃了!)




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